USS Askari

2011 Reunion - Indianapolis, Indiana

2006 Reunion

Back Row Left to Right: Bill Powell, Paul Erasmus, Jim Masters, Steve Ryan, Larry Ethridge, Don Fillhouse

Front Row Left to Right: Lee Daley, Merrel Davis, Marvin Marks, Norm Neuleib, Ed Toth

2006 Reunion

Left to Right: Norm Neuleib, Merrel Davis, Barb Davis, Larry Ethridge

2006 Reunion

Back Row Left to Right: Lois Masters, Donna Erasmus, ?

Front Row Left to Right: Karen Ryan, Audrey Mahoney, Joni Powell

2006 Reunion

Left to Right: Ed Toth, Lee Daley, at the Golf course

2006 Reunion


2006 Reunion


2006 Reunion


2006 Reunion

Pool Side

2006 Reunion

Pool Side

2006 Reunion

Indy Dinner

2006 Reunion

Indy Dinner

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