Comments: Served March 68...March69 Ltjg Damage Control officer. Up river and Singapore
Look fwd to catching up
Added: September 9, 2024
Submitted by Name: Larry Kliewer From: Northern California E-mail:
Comments: I served on the Askari, A gang, Ship Fitter 3rd, 69-70. I want to wish the best to all that served on the "Dirty 30." Cheers
Added: April 7, 2024
Submitted by Name: alan wesley eichenbusch E-mail:
Comments: served from 69=70
Added: March 9, 2024
Submitted by Name: George Giacoppe, LTC USA, Retired E-mail:
Comments: I still seek photos for my book: WAR SKETCHES FROM THE MEKONG; A Soldier's Reflections. My email is: I have completed my manuscript and would like to illustrate the book with clear photos of the ships and boats of the MRF. I would prefer email so that I will know how to contact you for any permissions and credits. Thanks! If any of the N4 or the S4 staff would like to contact me, I would be delighted.
Added: February 18, 2024
Submitted by Name: CHARLES W. Mehltretter From: Harvest,Alabama "NOW" E-mail:
Comments: How many of the Askari's old crew have filed a Claim with the VA for benefits due to your naval Service?
What % are you Rated At?
If your not Rated 100% and are still trying for a better rating go to the Web site,
'VA CLAIMS INSIDER" there's a ton of free info about how you go about GETTING THE RATEING You DESERVE.
A 100% rateing is close to $3,700.00 a month.
Added: January 25, 2024
Submitted by Name: Charles W. Mehltretter MM1 march 68-March 69 From: new york,Calif. Florida, Huntsville Al. E-mail:
Comments: BOB BEAMAN Where are you ?? Lost your Phone number and your Not answering My Email :!devil:
Comments: Served in Vietnam 1969. Aboard USS Luzerne County LST-902. We operated as Green Fleet supply vessel April and May 1969. Have time lapse photo of resupply of ARL's one week apart. We did both ARL's once a week. Dennis Oliver EM1 US navy.
Name: Daniel Dieckmann
Served March 68...March69
Ltjg Damage Control officer. Up river and Singapore
Look fwd to catching up