Comments: Howdy from Montana on another snowy day. I am seeking information about your ship, during it's deployment in July and August of 1970 on the upper reaches of the Mekong River. I was attached to River Squadron 15 at the time and crewed on Monitor-6 one of the last two American crewed monitor's left in country at the time. Our little boat was headed down river from Thuyen Nhon where we had been working with a PBR outfit. The boat was heading back to Dong Tam to replace the starboard 671 Gimmy Diesel and the breach workings on the 105 MM barrel we were packing.
Anyway, we found you guys out there in the middle of no where (thank god) on that river on our way to Dong Tam. We had no idea you were there, there were no road maps, no signs, we were headed to Dong Tam and it was getting really, really late in the day and we did not have a clue how much further we had to go to reach Dong Tam. So thanks guys, it was a scary ride out of the cannel with only one engine, by ourselves, and back to a big river where we felt safer. That boat had already been hit with a rocket, before I got there in June of 1970 and the repair marks were evident on the rebar and coxens flat.
So anyway, I am asking any of your crew who was there with or without a camera to share your story of our boat being lifted out of the river in the middle of the night. And what were those "Mark" something portable water pumps we trained on and you guys used on my boat that night? MARCK SOMTHINGS?
David G. McCann - RM-3 aft 20mm turret Monitor-6, 1970. You guys had cold beer and pop corn!
Comments: It’s been almost 50 years sinceAB I served aboard the Askari but I can still see my shipmates in my mind’s eye even though I haven’t personally seen any of you since that time. I think of you often and hope life has been good to you . Welcome home shipmates!
Added: December 27, 2017
Submitted by Name: Lee Doehring From: Seward NE E-mail:
Comments: Served aboard the Askari from March 67 to June 68 in the repair div. machine shop. Picked her up in Vung Tau after being transferred from the Uss Mahnomen County LST 912 which had run aground and lost off the coast of Chu Lai. Memorable experiences include the barge parties, liberty in Vung Tau,the USO show at the old French fort, watching the UDT team wrestle and kill an 18 ft python eating rats in the river during monsoon, Tet and the arty barges getting hit and burning and being assigned to a damage control team to respond and try to putout the fire and being turned back by the shrapnel from the ammo cooking off. The best memory is having the privilege of serving with a great group of men from all walks of life.
Added: November 11, 2017
Submitted by Name: Charles W. Mehltretter From: USS Askari ARL 30 E-mail:
Comments: Just wishing all my shipmate a Blessed Veterans Days !!
Comments: Hello, I’m looking for Raymond Page. I came across some love letters andlife insurance policy’s that he had. It was in alld storage. If anyone knows where to reach him or his family. Please have them email me. I would love to return these beautiful love letters he wrote his wife. The address that he sent letters to were. 208 South 9th ave. Jacksonville beach, Florida. He was stationed in San Fransico. There letters to his son and his wife. Along with photos of his wife. Thank you to all that have served our country. God bless you all
Comments: Is there any info available about a 2018 re-union? I served 1968-1969. A-Gang. Good memories. Bob Beaman 1968-1972 MM3
Added: November 2, 2017
Submitted by Name: Karl R Lindbloom EM2 From: Boston Ma. E-mail:
Comments: Lately, I been thinking a lot about old shipmates, and our time served aboard the Askari in the delta.It's so hard to believe that it has been almost 5o years ago, and that we were just kids at that time. It's hard to believe that I spent almost three years aboard her (67-69). I will always remember those years with fondness, and the great friendships formed during some very trying times. I have been blessed with overall good health, and I am saddened to hear of the passing of many of our shipmates, and of those that are suffering from all kinds of ailments especially of those related to Agent Orange. The only shipmate that I have been able to see since that time is Charles W. Mehltretter MM2 from "A GANG " and I just wanted to publicly thank him for all his help in guiding me thru the maze of VA paperwork to get compensation for Agent Orange ailments, which fortunately for me are not too severe. God Bless all of you,and your familys.
Submitted by Name: Barbara (Lobello) Ruccia From: Chicago, Illinois E-mail:
Comments: I was a Chicago USO Volunteer 1967-1972.We hosted a lot of activities for the servicemen from Great Lakes, (as well as the Army & Air Force bases that were in Illinois but have since closed.) I'm trying to organize a reunion of sorts with some of the past volunteers & Great Lakes groups who were regulars @ the USO, One of them being a past Askari ARL 30 Radarman by the name of James L. Smith, I think originally from Pittsburgh, Pa. If anyone has any leads, please let me know at the above mentioned e-mail address. Thanks for listening & for your Service to OUR COUNTRY! Love, Peace & Good Health & Happiness to ALL !
Name: Jim Sutter
From: Burlington, ky
I served on the Askari from June 1969-June 1970 in Vietnam. I was Sfp3.